Dragonbond: Great Wyrms of Drakha

Created by Draco Studios

5e RPG encounters and hi-level adventures against the great wyrms of Drakha in a draconic setting. Gargantuan miniatures of the dragons available.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 07:07:28 AM

Hello dragonbonded!

We just wanted to let you know that our dragons have been nominated for an award at the 2023 ENNIES! 

We couldn't be more proud with this news and we are thankful to you, because you helped to make them a reality!

In case you are not familiar with the ENNIES, here's a short description of what they are: 

The ENNIE Awards (the “ENNIES”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. The ENNIES give game designers, writers and artists the recognition they deserve. It is a peoples’ choice award, and the final winners are voted upon online by the gaming public.

Click on the image to vote!

If you want to vote for them and help us win, please click on the image or click here and choose number 1 in the Dragonbond: Dragons of the Red Moon product, and then at the bottom of the page click Vote!

 But you'll need to be quick! Voting closes July 23rd!

Ranking works by selecting 1 for your first choice, 2 for your second choice, and so on. If you don't like a product, don't vote for it. You cannot hurt a product's chances of winning by ranking it poorly. 

The winners will be announced on August 4th, 2023 at 8:00 PM EDT in Gen Con. If you are visiting, come say hi to our booth 1449, we will be premiering a corner booth!

Booth 1449!

What's going on with Dragonbond?

Dragonbond is an ever-growing universe and since our first launch with the resin Dragons of the Red Moon we haven't stop working on it! 

There are a lot of products out there and more to come,. Recently we've created the graphic novel 'The Rise of Itza' written by the Star Wars author George Mann; the board game 'Lords of Vaala' co-designed by Alessio Cavatore, Jack Cæsar and William Burgos; and coming soon,  Dragonbond Quest, a card game from the team behind Heroes of Terrinoth and Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game. 

Click on the image to be notified on launch

Thank you again for trusting us, growing with us and helping us uncover Dragonbond! 

100% Fulfilled + New RPG Dragonbond book
about 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 02:10:37 AM

Hello Dragonbonded! 

I can finally say - We did it! All the dragons and books are in their final homes and the project is 100% fulfilled! Thank you everyone for your trust, support and patience! We are so proud of this project and we can't wait to hear how your adventures in Drakha go and your painted plastic miniatures, please share them via Discord or send your photos to [email protected] 

Itza's guide to Dragonbonding 

As we have mentioned before, Dragonbond is an ever-growing universe and now it is time to know a bit more about Valerna, where dragons feast on Vaala and the realms are in constant turmoil. 

Not enough? We know, we always want more! Itza's guide to Dragonbonding is a 300+page volume of exciting new dragon focused content to enhance your 5e games. Discover the thrill of adventuring with a fully realized dragon in your party. One that grows with your characters in size and power. 

Click to go to the campaign!

IMPORTANT NOTE! Some of the art looks familiar but it is only being used to showcase the dragons' broods and illustrate the campaign. New art is being made for this new book and we are sure you are going to love it! Here's a sneak peek of what is coming in Itza's guide to Dragonbonding!

Aerial Dragonfight - WIP by Aldo Domínguez

Fight epic battles alongside your dragon and go head to head with a range of magnificent dragon antagonists and battle terrifying monsters.

Dragonbonded and Exor bonded dragon flying over Crimson City by Rodrigo Gil

 Explore new dragon-focused classes and subclasses and when the battle is done, enjoy the spoils of battle, crafting mighty draconic items to empower your whole party.

New classes! Art by Adam Wesierski and Rodrigo Gil
Party negotiating with XIbac by Irene Aretia

Embark upon an unforgettable journey as your player bonds with a mighty dragon. Empower them with the ability to walk through fire, unleash the magic of draconic runes, and decimate droves of enemies with their dragon’s deadly breath.

GM Screen art by Tyler Walpole

Expands the suite of Dragonbond products, meaning that you can use your Dragonbond miniatures from Dragonbond: Battles of Valerna wargame, Dragonbond: Lords of Vaala board game, and Great Wyrms of Drakha RPG together to enhance the tabletop experience. 

Exploration pillars by Alexander Van Ngo

Written by a team of award-winning industry veterans including Sarah Madsen (Wizards of the Coast, Cubicle 7), Brian Suskind (Kobold Press, Wizards of the Coast), and Mark A. Latham (Games Workshop, Modiphius Entertainment), illustrated by Tom Babbey (Wizkids, Paizo), and featuring concept art from veteran artists including Steve Prescott, Lucas Graciano, Daarken, Tyler Warpole, Jason Engle, and many more.

Adventurers party facing a Nix dragon and dragonkin by Lucas Graciano

 We really hope you can join us in this new adventure and help us make Dragonbond even better and larger! We are already past $100.000 USD and almost 1000 backers and the campaign just launched yesterday! 

You can go to Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding here and prepare to have a dragon companion in your adventuring party!

Thanks again for bonding with us!  See you in our next project! 

Fulfillment last stretch - MX and UK orders
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 02:28:58 PM

Hola Dragonbonded!  

I wanted to follow up with the fulfillment in the missing areas (UK and Mexico) and make sure you are up to date with the last piece of communication we have with the distributors. 

UK fulfillment 

We reached out to Boardgame Guru, they went through some complications between a surgery, a flu, COVID, short staff and closing warehouse due to all of the past mentions. Nevertheless, communication has been on point and they plan to re-open on the 20th (Thursday) and start fulfillment. We are sorry for the inconvenience and extra long wait, this is the final stretch and we are truly grateful for your patience. 

Mexico fulfillment (Spanish) 

Los dragones llegaron a México hace unos días y comenzó la entrega de recompensas a todos aquellos que pusieron su dirección. Algunos paquetes debieron llegar ya. Para aquellos que pidieron Local Pickup en Guadalajara y CDMX, se les envió un correo con las instrucciones para recoger sus dragones y empezar sus aventuras en Drakha! Si no les ha llegado ningún correo, por favor mándenos uno a [email protected] 

We wanted to celebrate this milestone with the first picture of a painted plastic Baastherox (at least the first one shared with us). 

Thanks Jake Harner for sharing!


Share with us your photos and experiences in Drakha in our Discord server, social media or via email at [email protected] 

Itza's Guide to Dragonbonding 

Those of you that follow Draco Studios, and in particular Dragonbond know that we have been working on Endless Sagas - the new RPG line for the Dragonbond fantasy Universe. The original plan was to release three books in a Kickstarter this year, but we just have so much content that we want to take some time to do everything justice. The three books are still coming but a little later than planned and in the meantime there will be a new Kickstarter to get excited about - and wow are we excited about it! Here's the link subscribe and be notified on launch.

Click on the image to subscribe!

 Featured in this book:

  • 7 new dragon broods and their associated stats
  • Rules for bonding, and adventuring with one or more dragons in your party
  • 3 x New Classes: Dragon Hunter, Dragon Herald, Vaala Adept
  • 8 x New Subclasses
  • 3 x New races
  • 9 x Subraces
  • Rules for fighting alongside dragons including aerial combat
  • Rules for fighting against dragons
  • Two new magic systems
  • 50+ new monsters
  • Encounter generator

Read more here! 

Dragonbond is an ever growing universe full of surprises. You are being part of the beginning and we couldn't be more grateful for that. 

More dragon-riding goodness!

If you want to bring even more aerial action into your games, make sure to check out the Song of Chaos campaign by our friends over at Wider Path Games.

  Michael Miller took the fantasy world by storm when he published Ascendent, marking the start of a new dragon rider epic combining the best of Eragon and Pern with the hard magic of Brandon Sanderson and Will Wight.

And now, you get to play a role in shaping this incredible world! Take on the role of a dragon rider, battle the Scourge, and deal with sinister plots of kingdoms, dragons, Wyrm Cloaks, and more in this epic DND 5E setting!

Check out their campaign here!  

Click on the image to go to the campaign!

Fulfillment - 90% completed!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 07:22:31 PM

Hola Dragonbonded! 

We are so happy to be finishing the fulfillment of this project and hearing the great feedback regarding the Great Wyrms! How are your adventures going? Any favorite Azhurma? 

Share with us your photos using the #GWoD and #Dragonbond, we look forward to hearing your experiences with your parties and see your minis in action! 

His Radiant Majesty, Aureus Fulgen (Painted by MIMI Painting Studio)

Fulfillment status

USA & Canada 

  • Fulfillment 100% completed! 

Europe, Africa and Latin America

  • Fulfillment 100% completed! 


  • Fulfillment 100% completed! 

United Kingdom

  • We have been in touch with Happyshops and Boardgame Guru regarding the pallet that Happyshops sent. Boardgame Guru received the pallet yesterday with the rewards and is getting prepared to fulfill your dragons. By the end of next week, you should hear from them with tracking information, or maybe your dragons will just show up at your front door. 

Australia & New Zealand 

  • VR Distribution confirmed the shipping arrived and sent the orders today, you should be receiving your dragons in the upcoming days! 


  • The dragons are being sent from Gamerati (fulfillment partner in the USA) to Mexico but they are being sent by waves, we will let everyone know once we have the full items in Detestable Games' warehouse. Those who chose "Local Pickup" will receive an email from us with the instructions to pick up your rewards. 
Kuxcoatl painted by MIMI Painting Studio

If you have any issues with your rewards, please send an email to [email protected] and we will gladly assist you. WE have heard great comments and people loving the quality of the miniatures, if you, or someone you know, want to add another dragon to your collection, we still have some copies, click here to get them! 

Baastherox, painted by MIMI Painting Studio

We can't thank you enough for your support, for being part of the beginnings of Dragonbond and for your patience. We are sure your adventures will be challenging against the Great Wyrms of Drakha, the mighty Azhurmas of the Red Moon! 

Dragons arriving and new Endless Sagas in the horizon!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 09:36:25 AM

Welcome back, Dragonbonded!

We are so happy to see the dragons arriving to their final homes all around the world! We can't wait to see them painted and hear your adventures against the greatest Azhurma from the Red Moon. 

Rewards from @tcdg shared on Discord <3

Canada orders are on their way to the fulfillment partner from Gamerati. You should be receiving your dragons between 1 or 2 weeks. United Kingdom is in a similar situation, the orders are on their way from Happyshops are will be fulfilled in around 2-3 weeks. 

Regarding Australia, we are waiting news from VR Distribution to begin fulfillment. Shipment should have arrived on the 2nd of this month but we haven't heard from them yet; which is a normal move after our experience with the congested ports. As soon as we hear back from them we will let you know. 

Coatl brood exploration by John Tedrick (not final art)
Tyverian arena! Wanna see more art from Dragonbond? Keep reading!

Endless sagas

So, how have you fared against the Great Wyrms? Are you ready to take the next step in Dragonbond roleplay?

October is coming up, and with it, our most ambitious campaign is getting closer. Dragonbond: Endless Sagas, the roleplaying game for the world of Dragonbond, is near.

Click to sign up now and get notified at launch

With Endless Sagas, we want to continue exploring the world of Dragonbond, from the lands of Valerna to the reaches of the Red Moon from where dragons come to raid. Three books are considered the collection. First, a rulebook which teaches you how to create your own character and how to survive the dangers of Valerna. Second is a bestiary with hundreds of new, unique creatures, including fascinating new ways to look at dragons. Finally, a gazetteer that showcases the world of Dragonbond, its realms, its peoples, its magic and its rules.

Endless Sagas is fully 5e compatible, but we are trying a few new mechanics that best fit into our world. For one, among our main goals with Endless Sagas is to introduce a fully balanced dragon companion system. Grow alongside a dragon and take your adventures to new heights. There are no gods, only the actions of Valernians shape reality and speak of morality. Magic works through the endless flow of Vaala and its three aspects: Dream, Source and Blood.

Get your copy here!

The Kickstarter campaign for Dragonbond Endless Sagas will be live on October 31st, but you don’t have to wait for your tale to develop. Click here to get your own digital copy of Escape from the City of Crimson Spires, the first step into Tyrant of the Cursed Coast, our first published saga. This sample was written by Sarah Madsen and Ennie award winner Brian Suskind. Explore the cradle of crime and lawlessness as you secure transport for a surprising piece of cargo: a dragon’s egg.

Click here to be notified on launch!

May this be the start of more adventures and good luck in Drakha! 


For all our 3D printing lovers, we have great models in the new season at tribes: 

The Cicadas of Tocotzin six canopies! An adventure that takes place in Nahuac and will introduce new characters to your table! 

Aellas, Weeping mother and 3 dream imps

Join our tribe by clicking on the image!